Become a member! Are you looking for a choir? Come along and get to know us! We cordially invite you to join one of our rehearsals. The Hamburg Oratorio Choir is happy to welcome new members. However, unfortunately, we currently only have openings in the male voice sections to ensure a good sound balance. If you have a nice voice and some choir experience, are able to read music and enjoy attending regular rehearsals in your spare time, our choir is the right place for you. Do drop by for a trial rehearsal and for getting to know us. You can find the times and places for our rehearsals on this website. We are looking forward to meeting you! Become a Member of the Hamburger Oratorienchor You have a choice: Brahms-Chor Bergedorf e.V. Hamburger Oratorienchor Altona e.V. Hamburger Oratorienchor Barmbek Feel free to contact us if you would like to know more: